Wikipedia is the world’s most popular encyclopedia that will be revamped with a new theme -“Vector” to enable users to access all the desired information in a clear and concise manner. The new design of Wikipedia will also improve navigation and usability for the searchers.  You’ll be surprised! Lesser Known and Weird Tech Companies Facts

Tentative New Features of Wikipedia

New table of contents featureCollapsible sidebar Enhanced toolbarEasy one-click button to switch the language Improved in-site search tool

You can also browse through this MediaWiki post to learn more about the new Wikipedia features The parent company of Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia Foundation, announced in its official blog post that the changes to the website will be introduced slowly and over a long period of time to allow users to test these new features before they are officially rolled out. The company plans to complete look of the desktop version of Wikipedia by the end of 2021. Wikimedia, however, did not mention anything about its plans to redesign the mobile version of Wikipedia.

The blog post states:

“Our overarching objective is to make it easier to find and contribute knowledge in Wikipedia and its sister projects. Volunteer participation is the essence of everything we do; our job is to facilitate and support that volunteer work. Continually improving the experience our projects is now a core mandate of the Wikimedia Foundation. Software developers are invited to review this under-the-hood explanation in our technical blog that describes the impact of these changes on bots, scripts, and gadgets interfacing with Wikimedia projects. You can use the Q&A ‘talk’ page to propose other questions.” Do give it a read: All You Need To Know About Apple Search Engine

The Old &The New Wikipedia Design

New Design

The first visible change is in the sidebar. Also, the top navigation is clearly visible.In case you wish to check out the new design, simply click on “try beta” link at the top. In order to try out the new design, a user must have a registered username with Wikipedia. Yes, it’s true. Google Drive Might Be Leading Hackers To Your System  Stay tuned for latest updates and news. Sign up for our newsletter if you want to learn more about the new Wikipedia design.

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