People who are still working on Windows7 do need to know that the free support from Microsoft ends in less than a year. It would become quite unsafe to use Windows 7 after that.

Windows7 support Life Cycle:

Microsoft is withdrawing its Support from the Windows7 Operating System. This does not mean that people out there will not be able to use it. There would be no technical assistance and software updates provided from Windows Update for the Windows7 users after 14th January. This would also mean that the systems running windows7 after 14th January 2020 would not have proper security.

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Microsoft strongly recommends that customers still working on Windows7 Applications must migrate to windows 10 before January 2020. By doing this, they would avoid a situation where no update would be available. After January 2020, these systems might also become vulnerable to attacks as well.

What is the meaning of End of Windows 7 support?

By the term “End of Windows 7 Support” Microsoft means to say that it would not provide automatic fixes, updates and Technical Assistance to this version of windows OS. Windows 7 PC’s will stop receiving security updates and technical support from Microsoft after 14th January 2020. So, it is very important to upgrade to Windows 10. This will help people to have access to the latest security updates. This would enable them to keep the software and applications updated and the data safer.

Why everyone should move toward the Windows 10?

Everyone should move to Windows 10. It is recommended by keeping various thoughts in minds. These would be helpful to the users in many aspects. The systems would be vulnerable to various spyware, viruses and other malicious software after Microsoft withdraws its support from Windows 7. The personal information from the PC could be modified or stolen as well. It is very important for everyone to migrate towards Windows 10 to keep ourselves updated and protected.  

Click here- How to upgrade to Windows 10

Is Window7 still supported?

Yes, till now Windows 7 is supported. It will be supported in the PC’s after January 14, 2020. But there would be no Security Updates and Technical Assistance available.

End of windows 7 support   Windows 7 support end date - 52End of windows 7 support   Windows 7 support end date - 79End of windows 7 support   Windows 7 support end date - 9End of windows 7 support   Windows 7 support end date - 47