How Many Reports to Delete Facebook Account?

It could be 10 or more. There is no fixed number mentioned officially. It depends on the severity of the case and the authenticity of the report. Sometimes even one genuine report can make Facebook delete an account and that too within 24 hours. At other times, it may take a few more days and a series of reports. It will depend on the processing of the reports by Facebook. You need to wait till that time.

How to Report a Facebook Account?

Open the Facebook account you want to report, click on the three dots tab. Click on ‘Give Feedback or Report this Profile’. You need to further choose the reason to report the profile and submit your report. Facebook will check your report and take action based on the same considering their terms and conditions and community guidelines. But you will not receive any notification on whether or not any action has been taken.

How to Know if the Facebook Account or Page Has Been Removed or Deleted?

Before you report, copy and save the profile or page link or URL. You can also screenshot the profile page. On a later date, try to search the account or page with the same URL. If you do not find it to be active or if it does not appear in your search result or you get an error message or you are being redirected to the home page, consider the work to be done.

Can the Person Reporting be Known?

The account or page being reported would not know the person who reported them. The information is confidential and the person would be kept anonymous when Facebook contacts the person concerned when required. Once you submit a report, Facebook reviews the same and removes it if it does not adhere to the Facebook Community Standards. The process is the same for reporting and ultimately deletion of a fake account or an account impersonating somebody else.

How Can a YouTube Video be Reported for Deletion?

If you come across a spam video or something that should not be public, report it by clicking the ‘Flag’ link under the video. If Facebook found it to be violating its community guidelines or terms and conditions then it will be deleted. Hope you found this article about how many reports to delete Facebook account useful. If you have any questions regarding the same feel free to ask in the comments section below. You can share with us the trigger leading you to report a Facebook account or page.

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