Here is the list of Best Coronavirus live update COVID-19 tracker websites

Coronavirus live update websites: COVID-19 tracker

#1.Coronavirus live update John Hopkins website

This is the official Website of a university in America which deals with medicine. It has almost accurate data. It represents the world map along with the active cases and a total number of cases including the fatal cases. This university has been examining the virus very closely since its outbreak. It is keeping the right track of the total cases. This is also available in applications.

#2.COVID Visualizer: COVID-19 tracker 3D map

This website shows the total number of active cases of COVID affected people across the globe. It also informs about the cases increasing per day and the fatal cases that is the number of people who died. This website has a red globe that keeps rotating. The user points to the desired country and gets the information such as the number of deaths in the country, the total number of recovery, number of active cases. This website is the best COOVID visualizer with a 3D map.

#3.Microsoft Bing COVID-19 Tracker

This is website is hosted by Microsoft Bing itself after the virus outbreak was very common and hence Microsoft decided to keep a track of the coronavirus. This is one of the best websites when it comes to tracking the COVID Cases within the states. It gives the total number of active, fatal and recovered cases within the states. Also, it has a news column that keeps you updated with the recent news in that particular state. It also has a map with a live COVID tracker feature which is very much useful and gives correct data. It shows the global trends with the other essential details. In case you missed our article on this tracker or for more information you can read it by clicking here.

#4.India COVID-19 Tracker: Coronavirus live update

This website is especially for India to keep a track record of the virus outbreak within its states. It has the only map of India and by pointing to a particular state you can get the efficient results of the spread of the virus. The website helps to keep a record of the new cases and all the other important pieces of information such as the total number of cases in India. It has a full chart state wise in which the details of the cases are written and are easy to understand. It also has a graph that shows the user increasing cases and death ratios. COVID-19: Coronavirus update

This is the official website of the Indian government to give various information regarding the coronavirus in India. It has the total active cases but doesn’t have the map to track it although. The website has additional services and more informative as the information of the states and helpline number and all the prevention and measurements taken by the government to stop the spreading of Covid19. It also has the myths buster block which informs the user about the false news which is circulated and track that news as well.

#6.WHO Coronavirus COVID-19 Situation Dashboard

This website is from the WHO group. It doesn’t get updated much frequently as it waits for the accurate results that are why it gets delayed. Yet it is reliable because of WHO sources and this website is also helpful for documentation and it contains all the states and countries confirmed by the WHO. So, these were the list of Best “Coronavirus live update” website- COVID-19 tracker with map. Do comment, if you know similar sites.

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